Profiles have been reworked. I was focused on the desktop design and still need to do some mobile layout fixes later, but this new version should be way more organized.
◇ The list of saved builds is now a sidebar.
◇ Characters are now divided by categories and you can pick their grouping.
◇ Ctrl+K (quick search) - quickly jump to a character by its name, build name, artifact set or weapon. Search for sets also works with abbreviations (wt, pf, bs, etc.)
◇ You can now save your default character art positioning, others will see it too. Useful with adaptive color so you can have slightly different colors for your builds.
◇ I have reworked the entirety of the website under the hood, so if something is broken, please tell me. This will allow me to rapidly add new features, as the old code was very rigid (and dumb). I'm learning.
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